Federal Transition Updates: Please see Federal Transition Updates 2025 for the latest federal executive orders and research activities.
Research Updates - 2022
January 2022
NIH will Enforce "Other Support" Reporting Requirements in January
As a reminder, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will begin enforcing its new requirements for Other Support reporting beginning January 25, 2022. The changes apply to proposals, Just-In-Time (JIT) materials, and Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs) due on or after that date.
The program director/principal investigator and other senior/key personnel must follow the “updated” instructions and format for certification with electronic signature and supporting documentation attachments.
To assist with compliance, the Office of Sponsored Projects has posted an NIH Other Support guide on its website with links to a number of resources created for the GW research community, including a recording from a recent training on the subject. We encourage attendance at the upcoming Other Support training that will be held on Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 11:00am.
Supporting GW's Compliance with Section 889 of the National Defense Authorization Act
In April, OVPR circulated a message regarding GW’s compliance with Section 889(a)(1)(B) of the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Section 889 prohibits recipients of federal funding awards from using or procuring certain covered telecommunications equipment or services. As an institution subject to this requirement, our mandated compliance has impacts for both researchers and administrators.
To help members of our community comply and to safeguard our individual and collective research programs, an online questionnaire has been created to assess the various ways Section 889 applies to your work and to streamline reporting. If you have purchased or acquired telecommunications services or equipment at GW, please review the questionnaire and complete as needed.
- Read more about the Section 889 compliance questionnaire
- Questions about Section 889 can be directed to GW Finance Division at [email protected]
Importance of Timely NSF Annual and Final Project Reports
Annual and final project reports demonstrate result-oriented accountability for National Science Foundation (NSF) grants, enhance stewardship, and ensure that the American people are receiving value for funds spent on grant programs. NSF has indicated that failure to submit timely reports will delay review and processing of pending proposals and processing of additional funding and administrative actions for all identified PIs and co-PIs on an NSF award.
If you are an NSF awardee, please work closely with your research administration pod to ensure that project reports are submitted as required. myResearch, the new electronic research administration tool, will allow the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) to track reporting deadlines and send reminders to PIs and pod teams about approaching due dates. As project reports become increasingly overdue, requests will be escalated to department chairs, associate deans for research, and leadership within OSP and OVPR.
Universal Salary Cap Accounts Launched
To reduce administrative burden and streamline effort, Grants and Contracts Accounting Services has led an initiative, in partnership with the Office of Sponsored Projects, to transition from project-based salary cap accounts to universal salary cap accounts that are based in a PI’s school or department. The new universal accounts will reduce the burden of labor distributions for PIs with multiple projects, reduce the overall number of accounts to manage, eliminate budgetary reconciliations on salary cap accounts, and provide one account in perpetuity. New school/department salary cap accounts are now in use. Contact your research administration pod manager for more information and specific account numbers.
New Online Tool Supports Clinical and Translational Research
The Clinical and Translational Science Institute at Children’s National (CTSI-CN), a partnership with GW, has launched the CTSI-CN Virtual Organizer to connect investigators, staff, and community partners with training, tools, resources, and navigators to advance clinical and translational research. While the tool is geared towards clinical and translational researchers, it highlights resources that all investigators may find useful.
SAVE THE DATE: GW Research Showcase 2022
GW Research Showcase 2022 will be held the week of April 11-14, 2022. GW Research Showcase, previously GW Research Days, highlights the breadth of student scholarship, innovation and creativity being conducted at GW across all disciplines. Out of an abundance of caution for the safety of our campus community, and to ensure that any student that wishes to participate will feel safe doing so, the event will be held virtually. The abstract submission form will open in January 2022.
Email [email protected] with questions and/or connect on Instagram and Twitter (@GWResShowcase) for updates.
GW Welcomes New Director of Student Entrepreneurship
The Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship is pleased to announce that Kate Heath, a proud GW School of Business alum, has joined its team as Director of Student Entrepreneurship. Kate brings more than 15 years of experience in marketing and growth strategy to the role. She has held previous positions at global Fortune 100 organizations including Facebook, Walmart, Boeing, and IBM. In her last corporate role, she served as the Head of Marketing Strategy and Operations at Instagram. Since then, she's been coaching startups across the tech and retail sectors, with a special focus on impact-driven ventures. Please join us in welcoming Kate back to GW!
GW New Venture Competition Application is Now Open
The 2022 GW New Venture Competition (GW NVC) is currently accepting applications. Whether you're a GW entrepreneur or a dreamer with a startup, business, or social purpose idea, GW NVC has a route for you. Refine your innovative idea, learn how to pitch to real investors, and compete for over $500,000 in total prizes to help get your idea off the ground. Applications are due by February 2, 2022 at 1:00 p.m.
- Start your GW NVC application
- Find out what it's like to participate in the competition by watching the NVC Experience Video
- Contact Kate Heath at [email protected] with questions or for more information
Sponsored Projects Training: Updates to NIH "Other Support" Reporting
Wednesday, January 12, 2022 | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EST | Online
Effective January 25, 2022, researchers will need to follow the National Institutes of Health updated guidance for the Other Support and Biosketch format pages in applications and Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPR). Learn more about these upcoming changes and how they will affect you. Hosted by the Office of Sponsored Projects Education and Training Unit.
Research Enhancement Workshop: Pivot and InfoReady
Tuesday, January 25, 2022 | 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. EST | Online
You may already be aware of the wonderful tools offered to researchers with our licenses for PIVOT and InfoReady, but did you know that the integration of the two allows you to drastically shorten the time from identification of a funding opportunity to action? Understanding how both systems are used in sponsored projects and how they are linked will enable you to use them to your benefit. Hosted by OVPR's Research Enhancement Unit.
Data Privacy Day Events
Multiple dates in January 2022 | Online | Learn More & Register
The GW Privacy Office will host a series of events to inspire dialogue and empower our GW community members to take action towards protecting the privacy and security of personal information. Hosted by the Office of Ethics, Compliance and Privacy.