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OVPR Faculty Awards

The George Washington University (GW) and the Office of the Vice Provost for Research (OVPR) are committed to encouraging and supporting excellence in research and scholarship and recognizing those who have accomplished it.

Each year OVPR solicits nominations for its Distinguished Career Awards, Early Career Awards, and Research Mentorship Award.

Both the Distinguished and Early Career Awards have two tracks. One track for those conducting scientific research and scholarship in fields such as the sciences, engineering, medicine, public health, psychology and nursing, among other disciplines. The second track is for faculty conducting scholarship and research in fields such as social sciences, the arts and humanities.

Call for Nominations

OVPR will begin accepting nominations on Monday, October 14, 2024. Individuals nominating a faculty member for any of these awards should submit the nomination form using InfoReady.

Submit a Nomination in InfoReady

For More Information

For more information, please see the award descriptions below and visit the frequently asked questions. All other inquiries can be directed to intramurals@gwu.edu.

View the 2024 Faculty Research Award Recipients


Distinguished Career Awards

George Washington University (GW) faculty members who have made significant contributions in research and scholarship to the university and society will be selected for the GW Distinguished Career Awards. One Distinguished Career Award will be selected from faculty nominees conducting scientific research and scholarship in fields such as the sciences, engineering, medicine, public health, psychology and nursing, among other disciplines. A second Distinguished Career Award will be selected from faculty nominees conducting scholarship and research in fields such as social sciences, the arts and humanities.

GW invites full-time faculty to nominate members of the faculty who exemplify excellence in research and scholarship. Nominees for these awards will be considered based on their research and scholarship merit, impact on the field and productivity.

Eligibility for Nominees:

University full-time faculty, including research faculty, who received a terminal degree over 10 years ago; and will continue as a member of the GW faculty for 2024-2025.

The RLC will consider the body of work conducted over a career, but work conducted at GW will be emphasized in reviewing nominations.

Please see Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

  • Evidence of extended, intentional development of work that resulted in a significant contribution or societal impact.
  • Any other evidence of the exceptional nature of the work that may be relevant.

The Research Leadership Council (RLC) will select a maximum of three nominees for each of the two tracks of the Distinguished Career Awards. The RLC will recommend these nominees to the Vice Provost for Research, who will select final awardees. The awardees will be honored at the university's Annual Faculty Honors Ceremony and will each receive an award of $5,000.

Selection Criteria for the Distinguished Career Awards:

Significance of the work leading to the advancement of the respective field. Publication in peer-reviewed national or international journals or juried/invitational shows, exhibits, or performances.

Early Career Awards

George Washington University (GW) faculty members who are recognized as the most promising up-and-coming researchers and scholars, whose trajectory has shown remarkable early success with more to come, will be selected for the GW Early Career Awards One Early Career Award will be selected for those conducting scientific research and scholarship in fields such as the sciences, engineering, medicine, public health, psychology and nursing, among other disciplines. A second Early Career Award will be selected for faculty conducting scholarship and research in fields such as social sciences, the arts and humanities.

GW invites full-time faculty to nominate members of the faculty who exemplify this promise to their field of research or scholarship. Nominees for this award will be considered based on their research and scholarship merit only.

Eligibility for Nominees:

University full-time faculty, including research faculty, who received a terminal degree in the past 10 years; and will continue as a member of the GW faculty for 2024-2025.

The RLC will consider the body of work conducted over a career, but work conducted at GW will be emphasized in reviewing nominations.

Please see Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

  • The selection committee will look for innovation, originality, productivity and creativity.
  • Evidence and rationale should emphasize the significance of the candidate's work to his/her field and address the likelihood of the nominee's continued success.

The GW Research Leadership Council (RLC) will select a maximum of three nominees for each of the two tracks of the Early Career Awards. They will recommend these nominees to the Vice Provost for Research, who will select final awardees. The awardees will be honored at the university's Annual Faculty Honors Ceremony and will each receive an award of $5,000.

Selection Criteria for the Early Career Awards:

Nominations must be based upon work that identifies the nominee as a rising star in their respective field; this will vary by discipline. The nominee’s work, its impact on the field, and the potential for continued success should be detailed in the nomination package.

Research Mentorship Awards

A George Washington University (GW) faculty member who has had a significant impact on the academic and professional development of students and postdocs in the areas of research and scholarship will be selected for the GW Research Mentorship Award. GW invites any current student, postdoc, or recent graduate to nominate members of the faculty who exemplify excellence as a mentor in the development of original research and/or scholarship. Nominees for this award will be considered based on their mentorship of students or postdocs and the stated impact of that mentorship on the nominator’s academic and professional growth.

Eligibility for Nominees:

University full-time faculty, including research faculty; and will continue as a member of the GW faculty for 2024-2025.


The GW Research Leadership Council (RLC) will heavily consider the nominee’s contribution to the student or trainee’s academic and professional development. Any evidence of outcomes or impact as a result of the mentorship should be emphasized in the nomination.

Please see Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

  • The extent (quantity and quality) to which the nominee provided constructive evaluation and feedback directly to the nominator or another mentee as witnessed by the nominator. This is a key responsibility of a mentor and should be recognized in the nomination package.
  • Any other evidence of the exceptional nature of the nominee’s mentorship that may be relevant.

The RLC will review all nominations and select up to three to recommend to the Vice Provost for Research, who will select the final awardee for Research Mentorship. The awardee will be honored at the university's Annual Faculty Honors Ceremony and will receive an award of $5,000.

Selection Criteria for the Research Mentorship Award:

The extent to which the nominee provided outstanding support to further the academic and professional development of a student, postdoc, or recent graduate (nominator). The extent to which the nominee helped shape the nominator’s work or ability to conduct original research and scholarship.

Oscar and Shoshana Trachtenberg Prize for Faculty Scholarship (Research)

This award recognizing outstanding research accomplishments was established by President Emeritus Stephen Joel Trachtenberg in memory of his parents. It is presented annually to a tenured member of the faculty along with a $1,500 prize. The award is meant to honor faculty scholarship and to provide a tangible symbol of the George Washington University’s commitment to research and creative endeavors. The University will honor the recipient at the annual Faculty Honors Ceremony.

Please see Oscar and Shoshana Trachtenberg Prize for Faculty Scholarship (Research) for more information.